


      上海东澄会计师事务所有限公司 是经上海市财政局批准设立、财政部备案,并在上海市工商行政管理局登记注册的社会审计机构,本公司注重以人为本的企业文化,深知会计师事务所的核心竞争力在于工作人员的执业能力,因而上海东澄会计师事务所有限公司在成立之初即以高代价吸纳了一批既拥有广博理论知识、又有丰富实践经验的注册会计师、注册税务师、高中级会计师等,在短期内迅速组建成一支结构精良、服务专业、办事高效的专业服务团队,致力于为外商投资企业、跨国公司、国内大中型民营企业以及其它各规模类型的企业提供高水准审计、财务咨询、税务筹划、管理咨询等服务。上海东澄会计师事务所有限公司在业内外已建立了良好的企业形象和企业声誉,成为中小型事务所中发展前途较好、竞争力较强的中介机构。 



    Over the last few years since its establishment on May 6, 2009, Dongcheng has attached great importance to human-oriented business culture and recognized the employees’ practice ability as the core competence of an accounting firm. Hence, Dongcheng has recruited a group of certified public accountants, certified tax agents, senior and intermediate accountants equipped with profound theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience at high cost in its early days. Thereafter, it has formed a well-structure, skilled and highly-efficient professional service team in a short term, committed to offering high-quality auditing, financial consulting, tax planning and management consulting services to foreign-invested enterprises, multinational corporations, large- and medium-sized domestic private enterprises as well as the enterprises of other sizes and types. Dongcheng has established a good corporate image and reputation in and beyond theindustry and grown into a promising and competitive intermediary agency among small- and medium-sized accounting firms.  
    Dongcheng has established a set of effective internal quality control system based on project process management, with three-level auditing as the core and highlighting the formulation, implementation and revision of identification plan. In the implementation of identification plan, work quality is subject to three-level accountability system, where one level is accountable for and offers supports to the higher level. Besides, work quality will be further guaranteed through internal control research and testing of the audited unit, materiality level, sample quality and evidence quality of identification as well as strengthening of analytical review.
    Meanwhile, to better guarantee the service quality, Dongcheng has maintained long-term strategic partnership relationship with other senior team advisers engaged in the fields of finance and accounting, taxation, law, consulting, assets appraisal, etc, including Shanghai Dongzhou Group, the leading corporation in domestic consulting industry.


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